The Terminal Storage Nominal Capacity is 229,918m3, twenty five (25) A.P.I. tanks with the following characteristics:

3 (three) tanks of 23,800 m3 (**)
1 (one) tank of 12,800 m3 (*)
2 (two) tanks of 11,870 m3  (*)
1 (one) tank of 10,900 m3  (*)
1 (one) tank of 6,400 m3  (*)
1 (one) tank of 6,000 m3 (*)
4 (four) tanks of 6,650 m3  (*)
2 (two) tanks of 5,550 m3 (*)
1 (one) tank of 3,440 m3  (*)
1 (one) tank of 2,400 m3  (*)
2 (two) tanks of 1,900 m3  (*)
2 (two) tanks of 1,400 m3  (*)
1 (one) tanks of 14.100 m3 (*)
2 (two) tanks of 11.300 m3 (*)
1 (one) tanks of 11.800 m3 (*)
(**) Nominal capacity. Tank with floating roof pontoon.
(*) Nominal capacity. Tank with fixed roof and inner floating membrane.

This ability is distributed as follows:

Tanks in customs condition as Bonded Warehouse condition: 140.540 m3
Tanks in customs condition as duty free 89.378 m3
Total: 229.918 m3